Thursday, May 28, 2009

Village of Millerton web sites

Exciting news for all: is a new web site to help all those looking for information about the Village of Millerton- You will be able to find much needed information about Village Government, events, Village Board Minutes and links to a variety of subject matter.
When visiting the above make sure you go to the bottom of the main page and click on the "Millerton Town of Northeast Visual tour" thanks to and courtesy of Steed Real Estate
Please also visit for links to many of our merchants and what they have to offer our guests and citizens.
If there are items or suggestions to improve any or all of our work please let us know at

1 comment:

joniwriter said...

Congratulations on the new Millerton Blog. Just wanted to announce an exciting upcoming event on Sunday, June 28th at Simmons' Way to benefit the North East Historical Society and their many programs and projects dedicated to preserving the rich heritage of Millerton and the North East Corner. The Benefit Event is being touted as a "High Tempo Tea Party" and will feature live performances from local talent including the celebrated piano player and composer Michael Brown, the classical guitarist, Jonathan Fritz, and others. There'll be great food, wine, tea and other libations, a multi-media presentation, house tour and last but not least a Silent Auction of valuable gifts and services donated by local merchants. Tickets may be purchased at Country Gardener, Harneys Teas, Herrington's, Oblong Books, The Millerton Diner, Kamilla's Floral Boutique, Irving Farms, Terni's and at Simmons' Way.

For more information contact publicity chair, Joan Daidone at 518.789.3510